Adjunct Professor Oleg Boyarkine

photo oleg boyarkine Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne
Laboratoire Chimie Physique Moléculaire (LCPM)
Station 6
CH-1015 LausanneOffice: CH F1 497
Tel:   +41-(0)21-693 3038 / 3123
Fax:  +41-(0)21-693 5170
E-mail: [email protected]


Curriculum Vitae

Ph.D., Chemical Physics, Research Centre for Technological Lasers of USSR Academy of Science, Moscow, USSR, May 1991.
B.S. Chemical Physics, Moscow Physical Technical Institute, Moscow, USSR.

Spectroscopy and mass spectrometry of cold biological molecules in the gas phase (currently).
Spectroscopic techniques for isotope separation
Quantitative multiple-laser state-resolved spectroscopy of Water molecule.

1994-currently Laboratory of Molecular Chemical Physics, Department of Chemistry, Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne. Since 2004 – lecturing a master course (Lasers and their applications in chemistry). Since 2007 – senior research scientist. Since 2012 – head of the group 2D UV-MS of biomolecules.

1992-93 Department of Chemistry, University of Rochester, Rochester, NY, USA. Research with Prof. T.R. Rizzo

Overtone spectroscopy of polyatomic molecules. IRLAPS detection technique was used for vibrational overtone spectroscopy of jet-cooled molecules.

1986-92 Research Centre for Technological Lasers of USSR Academy of Science, Moscow, Russia. Ph.D. research with Prof. V.N. Bagratashvili.

Infrared absorption spectroscopy of vibrationally excited polyatomic molecules. An original infrared photodissociation technique was used for measuring infrared absorption spectra of jet-cooled molecules, first vibrationally excited via IR multiphoton absorption. Photoionization TOF MS detection technique was employed.

Measument and control of velocity distribution of particles, created in a process of laser ablation of superconductive ceramic. LIF detection technique was used.

1990 “Asteroid” Inc. Development and production manager. Development and commercial production of experimental eximer lasers.

1984 -86 Institute of Chemical Physics of USSR Academy of Science, Moscow. Research with Prof. N. N. Semenov and Prof. A.M. Chaikin. Long-time quenching of chains in reaction F2+H2 inhibited by O2. HF products of the laser induced reaction were detected by MS.

1982-84 Surface Research Centre, Moscow. Diploma research with Prof. Bogdankevich. Application of external optics for mode selective generation in powerful pulsed semiconductor lasers, pumped by electronic beam.

Field Guide to Northern Tree-related Microhabitats: Descriptions and size limits for their inventory in boreal and hemiboreal forests of Europe and North America

R. Bütler Sauvain; L. Larrieu; L. F. Lunde; M. Maxence; B. Nordén et al. 

Swiss Federal Institute for Forest, Snow and Landscape Research WSL, Switzerland, 2024.

Data Champions Lunch Talks – Green Bytes: Data-Driven Approaches to EPFL Sustainability

M. S. P. Cubero-Castan; M. Peon Quiros; C. Gabella; F. Varrato; Loïc Lannelongue 

Data Champions Lunch Talks – Green Bytes: Data-Driven Approaches to EPFL Sustainability, EPFL, CM 1 221, April 18, 2024.

Comparison of Three Viral Nucleic Acid Preamplification Pipelines for Sewage Viral Metagenomics

X. Fernandez Cassi; T. Kohn 

Food and Environmental Virology. 2024. DOI : 10.1007/s12560-024-09594-3.

How to Support Students to Develop Skills that Promote Sustainability

S. R. Isaac; J. de Lima 

Teaching Transversal Skills for Engineering Studens: A Practical Handbook of Activities with Tangibles; EPFL, 2024.

How to Support Students Giving Each Other Constructive Feedback, Especially When It Is Difficult to Hear

S. R. Isaac; J. de Lima 

Teaching Transversal Skills for Engineering Studens: A Practical Handbook of Activities with Tangibles; EPFL, 2024.

List of all publications